Thursday 29 November 2012

Movember Team Easton 'taches

The hirsute gentlemen of Easton Primary School have been growing rather powerful top-lip warming moustaches in aid of mens health. Here they are on the penultimate day proudly displaying their efforts.

Thanks to all those that have donated so far. If you can hold your laughter for long enough and would like to donate please see the office or click here to see our team page and press the 'Donate to team' button:

Monday 19 November 2012

Book Week 2012.

The sun has set on another fantastic book week here at Easton Primary School, Bristol.

The week started with a brilliant assembly announcing two competitions to win vouchers for our book fair; which starts the week beginning 19th November. In the assembly we saw inspirational reading positions from a few teachers:

Later in the week we held a fancy dress competition and a 'University Challenge' style quiz about our book-week book - The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde.

Finally, on Friday afternoon, we witnessed the jewel in the book-week crown. A professional drama troupe came to school and performed their version of 'The Happy Prince', with the help from a few brave Easton volunteers.

The show was amazing by all accounts.

What was your favourite part of book week? Please feel free to comment in the box below.

Monday 12 November 2012

Eid Mubarak!

On Friday we had a very special celebration of Eid here at Easton Primary School.

We had a brilliant, informative and entertaining assembly from Key Stage Two children in the morning, and in the afternoon we held a huge, school-wide Eid party.

Celebrations in full swing!

"The assembly was interesting" said R from Year 6
"I really liked the dancing" - A from year 4

What was your favourite bit?